Briggs' Blueprint

A Blueprint for Personal Development, Productivity & Physical Health

Welcome to my world of transformation, where engineering meets personal development, and lifelong sportsmanship intersects with fitness and nutrition. I’m Briggs Benson, an Aeronautical Engineer and former college baseball player, here to share my journey and insights into the art of building sustainable habits, the science of physical well-being, and the philosophy of self-growth.  In this blog, there will be a mixture of personal posts (denoted PP in the post title), podcast reviews (PR), and book reviews (BR). A majority of my reading/writing will be centered around personal development, habit building, fitness & nutrition – all of which play a very pivotal role in my life. 

Here, you’ll find a unique blend of analytical thinking and athletic discipline, all aimed at helping you craft a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life. Whether it’s breaking down complex fitness concepts with the precision of an engineer or drawing parallels between habit formation and the strategies of a baseball game, my goal is to share my personal development journey and hope it positively affects someone somewhere.

The first line in my LinkedIn bio says ‘Life-long learner. Leader. Competitor. Engineer’. Most of these things have nothing to do with my current profession, but there is a reason that the word ‘Engineer’ comes last – Because I believe the other three more accurately encapsulate who I am as a person. I am continuously eager & willing to learn new skills, I always seem to find myself in leadership roles, and I treat everything in life as a competition (to a fault – sorry friends). 

I pride myself on being a very high-production person, and anyone who knows me can attest to this. Being a high-production individual comes with a continuous desire to improve all of your life’s outcomes. These improvements are stemmed from acquired discipline, trained skills, and most importantly – enforced habits. A lot of my reading revolves around ways to improve these areas in my life, and I hope some of my writing will do the same for anyone interested. 

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